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<< Mammograms and Masturbation >>
2006-11-28 :: 10:22 a.m.

Today I embarked on a rite of passage for many women.

I had my first mammogram. Yep. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I had heard many horror stories about how the squishing of your breasts is so painful, especially for bigger women. I'm a D cup, so I would fall under the bigger women category. I'll admit it was a bit uncomfortable, but painful, nope. The tech was chuckling a bit because as one of my breasts is being squeezed the other one wanted to get in on the action and I had to hold it back.

And why did I need a mammogram? Because apparently I'm OLD. Once I hit my current old age of 38 the doc announced it was time.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the school counselor and Thursday I get to register for my classes. I can't believe how excited I am, what a dork.

Other than that, nothing new going on. I've embarked on a new commitment to lose 20 pounds. Do you know how hard it is to lose weight when you're President of the OA's. Every meeting involves food. Yesterday, I was such a good girl. No junk food, went to the gym after work, ate healthy dinner and then went to a meeting and found....butterscotch chip cookies.

I had intentions to go for a run this morning but instead the bed was so warm..and one of my toys was calling out to me and I just couldn't say no. It's been so long since I've had time alone with myself that way..I think it took all of 30 seconds. That's pretty pathetic folks.

Ciao for now

Listening to: Unfaithful by Rihanna

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Nobody loves you this way - 2007-01-30
Makes me feel like a girl in a fantasy - 2007-01-22
Where's the Chaser? - 2007-01-07
Broken Moneymaker - 2006-12-31
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